RBX Control

The RBX Series is a high performance, dual voltage versatile DC motor control which provides a wide range of standard features, with many options that extend its capabilities. The RBX Series will operate 1/8 through 1.0 horsepower at 115VAC input, and 1/4 through 2.0 horsepower at 230VAC input. A chassis only model is available to operate a 1.5 horsepower motor at 115VAC input, or 3.0 horsepower at 230VAC input.
The RBX Series is designed for Permanent Magnet, Shunt Wound, and some Universal Series (AC/DC) motors in the above horsepower ranges. The RBX Series incorporates transient voltage protection with adjustable Current Limit and AC fuses for protection. Minimum and Maximum speeds are easily adjusted by trimpots, as is the I.R. Compensation. Acceleration and Deceleration are fully adjustable via individual trimpots.
- INPUT VOLTAGE SELECTION SWITCH - Switch selectable between 115 VAC and 230 VAC input. Improper setting of this switch may cause performance of the drive to not be adequate for the application and MAY cause damage to the control.
- MIN SPEED - (Minimum speed) Allows adjustment of the motor speed when the speedpot is set at minimum. This permits the user to eliminate the “Deadband” on the main speed control, permitting zero calibration. Clockwise rotation of the “MIN” trimpot increases output VDC.
- ACCEL - (Acceleration) Allows adjustment of the motor acceleration from a minimum of 0.3 seconds to a maximum of 12 seconds.
- DECEL - (Deceleration) Allows adjustment of the motor deceleration from a minimum of 0.6 seconds to a maximum of 12 seconds.
- MAX SPEED - (Maximum speed) Allows adjustment of the motor speed when the speedpot is set at maximum (CW). This permits the user to eliminate the “DEADBAND” of the speedpot, providing full speed at maximum rotation. Rotation of the “MAX” trimpot in the clockwise direction increases maximum output VDC.
- IR COMP - (Speed Regulation) Allows adjustment of the circuitry that controls the speed regulation of the motor. This feature controls armature speed by changing the armature voltage to compensate for increased or decreased motor loading. Clockwise rotation of the “IR COMP” trimpot will increase gain compensation.
- CUR. LIM. - (Current Limit) Provides protection from excessive armature current by limiting the maximum armature current the control can provide. This enables adjustment of the maximum torque the motor can deliver. Set Current Limit (CUR. LIM.) at 125% of the rated motor current. Clockwise rotation of the “CUR. LIM.” trimpot increases the torque (current) the control will provide.
- TACH INPUT SELECTION - Factory set at 3V per 1000 RPM, jumper selectable (JU3) to 7V per 1000 RPM. Refer to “Tach Feedback” section in “Control Modifications” for more information.
- TERMINAL STRIP P1 - Barrier type terminal strip provides for connection of AC lines, motor leads, motor field (if necessary), and earth ground.
- TERMINAL STRIP P2 - Barrier type terminal strip provides for connection of speed potentiometer and any accessories and/or jumper wires which control the drive.
- RELAY - (Power Interrupt Relay's) Available only on the RBX2USRA1, RBX2US-RA2 & RBX2US-9A controls, the relay's permits the switching of AC power with a low current signal. For the RBX2USRA1, RBX2US-RA2 & RBX2US-9A controls, the relay's will not allow start up after power failure without manually restarting.
701 Carrier Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28216