AP Centric Centrifugal Clutch for Mine SAG Mill
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Boston Gear Centric® Centrifugal Clutch for Mine SAG Mill

March 9, 2017 Centrifugal Clutch
Mine SAG Mill

A large mine grinding mill OEM required a centrifugal clutch solution for a new SAG mill. The clutch’s primary role is to allow for smooth, controlled starts during mill startup. It provides protection against the shock loads which occur during the starting of a rigidly coupled mill drive. In many cases these starting torque loads are capable of causing serious damage to the mill’s expensive drivetrain components including the electric motor and speed reducer.

Boston Gear, working closely with a distribution partner, supplied a large, 24 in. diameter Centric Centrifugal Clutch (CCC) to meet the demanding mill application requirements. Spring loaded CCC units are designed to automatically engage and disengage at customer specified RPMs.

The use of Boston Gear centrifugal clutches also sharply reduces motor starting current requirements and heat losses inherent in the direct starting of a mill drive. This adds up to reduced power factors, greater efficiency and therefore, greater economy in motor drives.

Centric Centrifugal Clutch

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  • Controlled soft-start acceleration
  • Protection against shock loads during start-up
  • Automatic engagement and disengagement
  • Delayed engagement produces a “no load start”
  • 100% efficient at full running speed
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