Stainless Steel 700 Series Speed Reducer Inspection Conveyor
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Stainless Steel 700 Series Speed Reducer For High-Speed Transfer/Inspection Conveyor

May 30, 2013 700 Series Stainless Steel Speed Reducers Food & Beverage
Transfer Inspection Conveyor

A large vegetable processor needed a gearbox for a high-speed transfer/inspection conveyor used on one of their production lines. The slightly inclined conveyor transfers raw leaf products from a sorter and dumps the product into the first of a series of large wash tanks. The 5’ wide x 15’ long conveyor operates at 180 ft. per minute and is routinely subjected to high-pressure washdowns.

A Boston Gear Stainless Steel 700 Series speed reducer was mounted to a stainless steel motor to meet the requirements of this challenging environment. The reducer’s housing, motor flange, and carrier are crafted from 316SS to endure tough, caustic washdowns while preventing microbial contamination and bacterial growth. The internal worm is specially-ground for enhanced efficiency and lower heat generation leading to prolonged product life. Use of a synthetic food-grade lubricant combined with a unique internal cavity design that circulates the oil to critical components also contribute to low operating temperatures.

Stainless Steel 700 Series speed reducers feature an innovative rounded housing design and covered hardware designed to prevent foreign matter adherence and fluid accumulation on or under the units. All models incorporate the trusted Boston Gear 700 Series worm gearing and have been optimized to withstand the harshest conditions.

Stainless Steel 700 Speed Reducer

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  • Unique, smooth exterior design prevents foreign matter adherence and fluid accumulation
  • Low operating temperature
  • NSF International certified
  • 316 Stainless Steel housing, motor flange and carrier to withstand tough wash down environments
  • Double lipped shaft seals
  • Nameplate information laser marked directly onto main housing
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